Principles of Education and Guidance
Rabbi Shmuel Lew – Rabbi Lew has been a Chabad shliach and educator in London, England, for over forty-eight years.
The Educational Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Dr. Aryeh Solomon –
Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Hebrew,
Biblical and Jewish Studies, University of Sydney.
Customs and the Jewish Child
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe –
Dean, Institute of American and Talmudic Law.
A Twenty-First Century Encounter: Educational Thought and Chabad
Dr. Barry Chazan –
Professor of Education and Director of The Masters Program in Jewish Professional Studies, Spertus College and Founding Director of Education, Birthright Israel.
Changes in Society, Theory and Education
Dr. Philip Wexler –
Professor of Sociology of Education and Bella and Israel Unterberg Chair in Jewish Social and Educational History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Charles R. Bronfman Visiting Professor, Brandeis University.
Mysticism Amid the Four ‘M’s’ of Religion
Dr. Randall Collins –
The Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania.
Allegories of the Present: Curriculum Development in a Culture of Narcissism and Presentism
William Pinar –
Professor and Canada Research Chair, The University of British Columbia.
Learning, Heart and Soul in Habad Psychological Theory
Jonathan Garb –
Associate Professor, Department of Jewish Thought, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Visiting Fellow, Tikvah Center for Jewish Law and Civilization, New York University.
Where To, Now?: A Seminar Discussion About How We Can Advance This Discussion and the Implications for Action
Rabbi Menachem Schmidt –
Executive Director, Lubavitch House at Penn and Jewish Heritage Programs and President, Chabad on Campus Foundation.
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